Our Mission
We’ve been working in fields white for harvest for over 25 years now; places like the exotic Mediterranean coast of Europe, the worldly West Coast of the USA, in the hostile regions of the Middle East and in some of the most populous countries of Asia. We envision young people filling stadiums and opportunities to present Jesus to them for the first time. We consider the end and declare, “souls will be saved and the fruit will remain.”
Since graduating from RHEMA Bible Training College , we have endeavored to reach youth through evangelism and missions in cooperation with local churches. We have made the Good News known through youth camps, conferences, and campaigns, women’s and men’s meetings, school events and more. We have ministered in over 55 countries, some of which are the most unreached and persecuted parts of the world.
Why Youth?
Joel 2:28, the prophet is speaking about the last days when he states, “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.” It has been said that three-quarters of this verse is talking about young people or youth!
“And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature [of the whole [a]human race].
What We've Done & Are Doing...
We've ministered to youth in over fifty countries around the world.
Held conferences, campaigns, and camps that impacted tens of thousands of youth.
We use extreme sports to relate and connect with the youth and young adults.
Thousands of the book, Blueprint for a Dreamer, have been distributed.
Over 85 youth facilities have been designed and built in the United States and Europe.
We collaborate with existing non-profits, churches, and organizations internationally.